Admission Criteria

  1.  18 years or older
  2.  14 days clean time, (less time maybe considered depending on the facts) potential residents will be assessed and requirements for admittance may include medical detox, outpatient and/or inpatient treatment, weekly individual therapy with a licensed therapist and Vivitrol.
  3.  Medically and psychologically stable
  4.  Have a strong desire and willingness to pursue meditation and a spiritual path to recovery
  5.  6 months commitment
  6.  Follow the aftercare requirements of referral source
  7.  Follow all Vassa Rules including group/meeting attendance
  8.  Provide a release of information for all collateral providers and involved family members
  9.  Monthly VIVITROL® shot, if required
  10. Agree to frequent random drug screening
  11. Abstain from relationships and sexual activity, unless in a previous committed relationship
  12. Level System compliance

Items to Bring

  1.   Bed Linens, Pillow – Call for bed size
  2.   Toiletries, towels
  3.   Clothes for Job Interviews
  4.   Groceries
  5.   VIVITROL® prescription if required
  6.   Aftercare Plans from Referents
  7.   Cell Phones are restricted for at least two weeks and then encouraged if appropriate
  8.   Cars are allowed, but are cleared on an individual basis during the in-take process
  9.   Journals and books

Admission Fee    $800
Monthly Programming Fee*       $1300  ​
*Food is not included, cash/check/credit card(3.5% extra charge) accepted