Vassa is a Buddhist Recovery Community located in the Birmingham, Alabama area for men and women seeking recovery from addiction who wish to follow a Buddhist path. The Vassa program is offered at The 4th Dimension a traditional recovery residence that stresses mindfulness meditation along with the 12 steps. Most sober living facilities have a one size fits all program – the 12 steps. We respect and offer a 12 step program to those who wish to follow that path. Vassa offers the structure and accountability of a traditional sober living environment while allowing individuals to work a Buddhist recovery program. This can be mixed with a 12 step program or worked independently. We use Recovery Dharma, 8 Step Recovery and Buddhist 12 step models. Recovery is a process that happens with painstaking effort and attention in a safe environment over time. Vassa provides a safe environment with structure, accountability and mindfulness practice where recovery can occur.
Vassa in Pali, an ancient language used by the Buddha, is the annual retreat during the rainy season when Buddhist monks retire from the world for several months and spend time in intense meditation. Likewise the Vassa program at 4D is a time to step away from the stresses of the world and focus on recovery with Buddhist techniques.
Vassa is a recovery residence for those struggling with addiction who seek to primarily work the Buddhist 4 noble truths and the 8 fold path for their recovery program. Cultivating a daily sitting practice is required. Vassa is operated with a traditional sober living structure including morning meditation, nightly curfew, random drug testing, mindfulness based recovery groups, and required attendance at 90 meetings or sits in 90 days at either Recovery Dharma, 11th step meetings, SMART Recovery, 12 step meetings, sits at the Birmingham Shambhala Center or local C3 Sangha. Vassa encourages residents to develop a daily meditation practice to strengthen concentration and gain insight into the causes of suffering.
Mission statement
May all beings know true happiness and its causes.
May all beings be free from suffering.
May all beings know joy at the happiness of others.
May all beings enjoy equanimity, free from craving and aversion